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Georgia Marianne

Weaving = Marketing

What Weaving Fabric Taught Me About Marketing

Before we get into it... I do have a video version of this post with a voiceover and captions for all of you that prefer audio! If you're a reader just scroll on down 💛

Learning to weave fabric on looms of all shapes and sizes taught me more about marketing than I ever expected. There’s something beautifully intricate and logical about weaving—watching the yarns come together to create something tactile and purposeful. This is why, in my mind, marketing and weaving have always been one and the same.

When you first look at what yarn actually is, it has the potential to be kind of chaotic, right? Just these strands, all waving about, getting tangled on the floor, no clear direction or form. On their own, it might not seem like they hold much value, even if to us textile people they are beautiful—they can’t do anything except... blow in the wind. But when you start weaving them together, placing each one carefully next to the other, they become something stronger, something greater than the sum of their parts.

Strategy as the Foundation

That’s how I think of marketing strategy. It’s the structure that holds everything together. Without it, your content, messaging, and visuals are like loose yarn, not really holding any shape or purpose. It’s only when you start weaving those elements together, with a clear strategy in mind, that things start to click.

The beauty of strategy is that it creates a foundation that allows creativity to flourish. You can't jump straight into the fun part—the visuals, the copy, the viral social moments—without having the structure in place first. Otherwise, it all falls apart. All separate elements, floating independently.

The Numbers Matter, Too

Now, let’s talk about the numbers. Weaving requires a lot of counting. Seriously. If you lose track of your yarn, it’s game over. You have to know your numbers and check them religiously. Marketing is the same way. You need to know the data, understand your audience, and get really clear on what works and what doesn’t. That precision might not sound fun, but it’s what allows you to be creative in a way that works, and not waste energy on things that don't!

A strong marketing strategy isn’t just about having good ideas—it’s about making sure those ideas align with your business values, mission, and audience. Once you have that locked down, that’s when you can start to really play with your content. That’s where the creativity comes in—when you’re working within a structure that gives you room to experiment. And when it all comes together, it’s magic.

Strategy First, Creativity Follows

So, here’s the takeaway: marketing, like weaving, needs a clear, solid structure planned. You can have the best ideas in the world, but without a strategy to hold them together, they’re just floating in the wind or falling apart. But with strategy? That’s when your ideas start to hold real value, and that’s when your creativity truly gets to shine.

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